Thursday, January 17, 2013

Being a mommy and Camden's 4 month check up!

As I sit here and watch my little man nap in his swing (the only place he WILL nap- ha!) , I'm flooded with thoughts of WHY I love being a mommy and how it has changed my life. Looking back, I don't know how I ever lived NOT as a mommy. I feel like being a mommy is my calling in life. I have always known that I wanted to be a mommy, but I never imagined just how complete it would make my life. I feel like there must have been this void in my heart I was unaware of that only Camden could fill. And on September 19, 2012, all 6 pounds and 8 ounces of that baby boy fit perfectly into that void. I felt like a kid putting a huge jigsaw puzzle together and finally snapping in the last piece. Everything was complete at 1:54pm. Our lives made perfect sense as we experienced God's unconditional love for us, though often puzzling, unfold into a beautiful masterpiece right in our arms.
Being a mommy has definitely changed my life in a huge way, but only for the better. Now, instead of watching the bachelor or whatever other TV shows I used to watch, I watch my baby boy drift off to sleep. Instead of hearing Michael Buble' play throughout the house while I clean, I hear the tunes of numerous lullabies. While I used to nap often on my days off, I find myself just watching him nap once he finally goes down. Instead of smelling like fancy perfumes, I usually smell like a new fragrance- Camden spit up. (I should patent that ;) ). I've learned that my child must not have very good hearing, because he falls asleep as I sing to him (or maybe that's his way of getting me to stop- ha!). I have spent nights just watching the video monitor "just one last time" to make sure "he's OK" before bed. I have given Camden more kisses than his daddy has probably ever had from me. The majority of my adult/girlfriend conversations don't revolve around fashion or entertainment anymore, but around breastfeeding, developmental milestones, sleep regressions, and teething. My once flat and hard stomach is a little less flat and a lot more fluffy (but we're working on that!). Mama doesn't always get her bubble bath anymore, but watching Camden play in his bath is way more fun. I've learned to speak baby-- which I sucked at previously. My house is a little less tidy and the laundry piles up a lot faster, but I've learned that it can wait. I've had to eat my words several times (don't say you will NEVER do something regarding parenting, because you will). I'm pretty sure now that I rely on nursing just as much, if not more, than Camden does. It's our bonding time, cuddle time, nurturing time.. and I already dread the day we wean. I can work a breast pump and Canon like a pro (food and pictures are necessities!). I never thought I would get excited over dirty diapers or gas, yet I have. I've grown a backbone and learned when to say "no", "thanks but no thanks", and be firm in our parenting decisions and how to take advice with a grain of salt. But most of all, I have learned to love on a much deeper level that I never knew was possible. Being a mom has changed me and I would not trade it for the world.

Now that all of my mommy mushiness is over.. here is a little update on my perfect man! He had his 4month check up yesterday and we dealt with the nasty S word.. shots. Poor baby did not handle them well. He cried for a solid 45 minutes once we got home until I finally got him settled-- then we snuggled up in bed and napped for 2 hours (another one of those things I said I'd never do-- whoops). Those shots must have gotten the best of him, because he slept from 8p-4:15a before waking up to nurse. Happy mama :)

How old: 17 weeks
Weight: 13lbs.. my little 25th percentile buddy ;).. but hey, we've double our birth weight!
Height: 24 inches
Hair color: blonde.. what's left of it!
Eyes: bright blue
Favorite food: mama's milk

Sleep: We've been struggling with the dreaded 4mo sleep regression.. but it looks like things are looking up again! 
Movement: Wiggle worm. He loves to "dance" and kick his legs. He also loves to grab his little toes!
Favorite "words": "hhheeeeeeeeeeeee"
Favorite toy: his duck hand puppet, O-ball football, mickey mouse lovie, swing
Favorite clothes: sleepers
Diaper size: 2s
Clothes size: 3month and 3-6month
Shoe size: 1
Likes: baths, music, gnawing everything he can get ahold of!
Dislikes: his carseat, unfortunately :(

Who does he favor? Depends on who you ask.. some people say Matt still and I have had a few people say he is starting to look like me.